Notice: The retirement plans listed below have changed due to the 2017 SEBAC agreement. This page will be updated as detailed information becomes available.
Alternate Retirement Program
The Alternate Retirement Program is available to all new unclassified employees.
Prudential Retirement is the new third party administrator for the defined contribution plans (Alternate Retirement Plan, 403b, and 457). The Prudential website is www.ctdcp.com. The designated Prudential retirement counselors for UConn Health are Giancarlo DiRoma and Scott Mann. Giancarlo can be reached directly at 860-819-6972 or giancarlo.diroma@empower.com, and Scott can be reached directly at 860-937-7263 or scott.mann@empower.com.
Vested after 15 Years of Service
Employees hired on or after July 1, 2011 are vested for retiree health benefits upon completion of 15 years of actual state service. If employees should resign from service prior to reaching the age for early or normal retirement eligibility, the employee would be able to receive the retiree health benefits according to the Rule of 75 (Age + Service = 75). For example, an employee who leaves service upon the completion of 15 years would be eligible to receive the retiree health benefits at the age of 60 (i.e., Age 60 + 15 Years of Service = 75).
Retiree Health Fund Contribution
Employees hired on or after July 1, 2017 are required to contribute 3% of their gross earnings on a pre-tax basis toward the Retiree Health Fund for the first fifteen (15) years of employment in order to offset the future cost of retiree health benefits. If an employee should leave service prior to completing 15 years, they would be entitled to a refund of contributions made.
Employees hired on or after July 1, 2011 are required to contribute 3% of their gross earnings on a pre-tax basis toward the Retiree Health Fund for the first ten (10) years of employment in order to offset the future cost of retiree health benefits. If an employee should leave service prior to completing 15 years, they would be entitled to a refund of contributions made.
Employees hired prior to July 1, 2009, who had less than 5 years of service as of July 1, 2010, are required to contribute 3% of their gross earnings on a pre-tax basis toward the Retiree Health Fund for ten (10) years in order to offset the future cost of retiree health benefits. If an employee should leave service prior to completing 10 years of service, they would be entitled to a refund of contributions made.
All other employees who were not paying the three percent (3%) contribution on June 30, 2013, shall begin paying a contribution. For these individuals, the contribution shall be phased in paying 1/2% effective the first day of pay period after July 1, 2013; increased to 2.0% effective the first day of pay period after July 1, 2014 and increased to 3.0% effective the first day of pay period after July 1, 2015. The contribution would continue for ten (10) years for all employees or until retirement, whichever is sooner.
State Employees Retirement System (SERS)
The State Employees Retirement System consists of several defined benefit plans, listed below. The plan available to employees is dependent on the date of hire.
Tier IV - a contributory plan that is available to employees who were first hired on or after July 1, 2017.
Tier III - a contributory plan that is available to employees who were first hired on or after July 1, 2011.
Tier IIA - a contributory plan that is available to employees who were first hired on or after July 1, 1997.
Tier II - a non-contributory plan (except for hazardous duty positions) that covers employees who were first hired and chose the SERS after July 1, 1984 and up to June 30, 1997.
Tier I - a contributory plan that covers employees who were first hired and chose the SERS on or before July 1, 1984.
State Employees' Retirement System HYBRID Plan (HYBRID)
The HYBRID Plan is a contributory defined benefit plan with a cash-out option available to new employees after July 1, 2011. Employees enrolled in this plan contribute 8% of their salary. The defined benefit is identical to TIER III, and the cash-out option includes a 5% employer match with 4% interest. Employees are vested* after ten (10) years of service in the plan.
Supplemental Tax-Deferred Retirement Contributions
Employees may participate in either (or both) a 403b or 457b plan to make supplemental tax-deferred retirement contributions. Participation is voluntary with pre-tax contributions made through payroll deduction that allow employees to defer taxes on the contributions until withdrawn for retirement.
Tax-Deferred Annuity Retirement (403b) Program
Employees may make voluntary contributions to tax-deferred annuities through the State 403(b) Program. Contributions are made by payroll deduction, and are pre-tax. Maximum contribution limits are set by the federal government and change annually. Enrollment and payroll deduction arrangements are made directly with the plan administrator, Empower.
Deferred Compensation Retirement (457b) Program
Employees may make voluntary contributions to tax-deferred annuities through the State 457(b) Deferred Compensation Program in addition to the 403(b) plan. Contributions are also made by payroll deduction, and are pre-tax. Enrollment and payroll deduction arrangements are made directly with the plan administrator, Empower. As with the 403(b) plan, maximum contribution limits are established annually by the Federal government.
Roth 403(b) and 457 Programs
Employees are offered the opportunity to save additional money for retirement using after-tax dollars by enrolling in the Roth 403(b) Plan and/or the Roth 457 Plan. Empower is the Third Party Administrator for this plan, and can be contacted at 844-505-7283.
Teachers' Retirement System
The Teachers' Retirement System is available to employees who hold a state teacher's certificate and have a position at UConn Health which requires a teaching certificate. Employees contribute a total of 7% salary, 6% for the retirement benefit and 1% for retirement health benefits.
Steps to Take Towards Retirement
If you’re thinking of retiring, here is a Retirement Planning page to help you take the necessary steps so the process goes smoothly.
Retirement Tools
Retirement counseling workshops and benefit estimators can be found on the Office of the State Comptroller's website.
State of Connecticut Defined Contribution Plans Website
SEBAC Updates
SEBAC 2011 ARP to SERS Hybrid Plan Transfer Update
For questions, contact:
HR Resource Center