
UConn Health building

We are ready to help you with with your human resources questions.

Employee Resource Center

The HR Employee Resource Center is our one-stop hub for work-related questions. It provides information and referrals about benefits, leaves, payroll, job applications, retirement, and all information related to HR services.

Phone: 860-679-2426
Hours: Weekdays 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Employee Resource Specialists
Amy Lawson, 860-679-8367
Amanda Reola, 860-679-2917

HR Consulting

HR Consulting, part of the Organizational Development unit, serves as a strategic advisor, collaborator, and partner with department leaders to build HR solutions that meet UConn Health's changing needs. It advises leaders on policy adherence, talent planning, performance coaching, workforce planning and development, and organizational development.

Human Resources Consultants
Institutional Support and School of Dental Medicine, Lauren Hurley, 860-679-8004
John Dempsey Hospital, Facilities and Operations, Jessica Hajdasz, 860-679-4070
UConn Medical Group, School of Medicine and Pharmacy, Shaela Ryng, 860-679-8067

HR Services


Chief Human Resources Officer for Human Resources
Lakeesha Brown, 860-679-2204


Associate Vice President for Human Resources
Lawrence Pittman, 860-679-4575

Administrative Officer
Etta Folk, 860-679-3490

Human Resources Assistants
Kasia Piekut, 860-679-7913
Samantha Ruffino, 860-679-7913

Fax: 860-679-1051

Employee/Labor Relations

Employee/Labor Relations is responsible for the administration of fair collective bargaining contract administration, grievance/arbitration processes, workforce separations, corrective actions, and training in related areas. Additionally, investigates potential violations of collective bargaining agreements, agency policies or rules, provides interpretation and application of University policies and collective bargaining contracts, and provides management guidance related to employee performance and their responsibilities under the bargaining agreements.

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Interim Executive Director
Erick Diaz Vazquez, 860-679-4588

Senior Labor Relations Specialist
Sylvia Santos, 860-679-3864

Labor Relations Specialist
Diane Ferguson, 860-679-6207

Labor Relations Specialist
Megan Krom, 860-679-1221

Labor Relations Coordinator
Tatiana Holmes, 860-679-4460

Administrative Program Assistant II
Marie Colavecchio, 860-679-4375

Fax: 860-679-4375

International Office

International Services is a resource for immigration, international tax and human resource related issues for the international population at UConn Health.

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International Specialist II

Kaitlin Dornenburg, 860-679-4472

International Specialist II
Kaitlin Dornenburg, 860-679-4472

International Specialist I
Amina Kader, 860679-2831

Fax: 860-679-1051

HR Operations and Decision Support Services

Absence Management

Absence management helps plan, track, and handle employee leaves and accommodations, including administration, compliance with Federal laws, State of Connecticut statute, University policy, collective bargaining contracts, claims management, return-to-work support, and reporting.

Jessica Van Alstyne, 860-679-3073

Absence Management Manager
Fred Greene, 860-679-8765

Leaves – Medical, Military, Maternity
HR Resource Center, 860-679-2426

HR Associate, Marshauna Williams, 860.679.3419
HR Specialist II, Arnold Brion, 860-679-7234
HR Specialist II, Dala Grabowski, 860-679-2901
HR Specialist II, Jake Plamenco, 860-679-3782
HR Specialist II, Lea Richman, 860-679-7259
HR Specialist II, Corinna Jabouin, 860-679-7242

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Workers' Compensation
HR Associate, Marshauna Williams, 860.679.3419
HR Specialist I, Debbie Belnavis-Garvey, 860-679-4589

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American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accommodations
Employee Resource Center, 860.679.2426

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Fax: 860-679-4660


The Benefits Unit advises, administers, and provides services to employees in areas such as benefit enrollment, retirement and insurance plans, tax-deferred products, and tuition reimbursements/waivers.

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Benefits Director
Jessica Van Alstyne, 860-679-3073

Benefits Manager
Teri Chasse, 860-679-2791

Health Insurance and Supplemental Benefits
A-F HR Specialist I, Susan Baccaro, 860-679-1483
G-M HR Specialist I, Elizabeth Hurley, 860-679-4665
N-Z HR Associate, Jennifer Hart, 860-679-3549

Benefits Manager, Teri Chasse, 860-679-2791
HR Specialist I, Susan Baccaro, 860-679-1483
HR Specialist I, Elizabeth Hurley, 860-679-4665


Tuition Reimbursement – UHP and Managerial/Confidential
HR Associate, Jennifer Hart, 860-679-3549

Tuition Reimbursement – Classified
Benefits Manager, Teri Chasse, 860-679-2791

Tuition Waivers – UHP Employees, Dependent Children of UHP, Faculty, and Managerial/Confidential Employees
HR Specialist I, Susan Baccaro, 860-679-1483

Compensation and Classification

Compensation and Classification monitors a competitive, equitable workforce compensation and standardizes a classification system which defines the scope and nature of job assignments, provides ongoing updates of classification specifications, differentiates between work assignments, identifies job expectations, and supports career development options which enables the organization to hire and retain qualified employees while ensuring compliance with local, state and federal laws and regulations as well as Statewide collective bargaining agreements.

Compensation/Classification Manager
Anita Therattil, 860-679-3989

HR Information Systems and Operations

HR Information Systems and Operations is responsible for implementing, setting standards for maintaining Human Resources information and employee records, longevity payments and bargaining unit pay increases. The unit also provides reporting services to all levels of management.

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Lawrence Pittman, 860-679-4575

HR Information Systems
HRIS Specialist, Saba, Chris Desjardins, 860-679-7577
HRIS Administrator, iGreentree, Susan Keegan, 860-679-8170
HRIS Administrator, Kronos, Ken Lowell, 860-679-2427
HRIS Specialist II, Kronos, Lisa Bartis, 860-679-3442

Banner Specialist, Sandy Leba, 860-679-4579

Personnel Transaction Requests
Human Resources Coordinator, Sandy Leba, 860-679-4579

Operations Manager
Liz Fay, 860-679-7573

Auditing/Operations Analysts
Processing of employee personnel and payroll records with last names beginning with:

A-C Margaret Deptula, 860-679-4663
D-I Olivia Danielson, 860-679-2049
J-M Megan Charest, 860-679-4368
N-R Lori Jovel, 860-679-3492
S-Z Jillian Hebert, 860-679-4694

Fax: 860-679-1051

File Room: 860-679-7106


The Payroll Unit is responsible for processing employee payments on a bi-weekly basis, including regular pay, lump-sum payments for separating employees, workers’ compensation checks, and other pay due employees. In addition, the Payroll Unit assists employees with changes to pay, such as tax status, direct deposit, and other employee pay deductions.

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Lawrence Pittman, 860-679-4575

Payroll Manager
Jodi Corbin, 860-679-2384

Payroll Associates
Responsible for general and workers' compensation payroll questions with last names beginning with:

A-D, s: Stephanie Rosa, 860-679-2380
H-M, T, X-Z: Jeannette Dunn, 860-679-4061
E-G, N-R, U-W: Vivian Boucher, 860-679-2681

Fax: 860-679-1328

Talent Management Services

Organizational Development

Organizational Development is dedicated to building capacity in individuals and teams by delivering outstanding solutions that impact organizational effectiveness in support the UConn Health mission. It also leads the development and implementation of employee engagement strategies with a focus on improving culture and creating a positive workplace environment.

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Alexis Crean, 860-679-4946

Educational Development Specialists
Marisol Cruz St. Juste, 860-679-2734
Kari Gracie, 860-679-6707
Alison O'Connor, 860-679-2426

Talent Acquisition

Talent Management partners with hiring managers and departments in finding, recruiting, and selecting the most talented individuals who align with UConn Health's mission, possess required competencies, and fit into the university's culture.

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Faculty and Senior Leadership  Ryan Scerra, 860-679-3143

Talent Acquisition Specialists

Pamela Rucker, 860-679-2040

Elizabeth McNamara, 860-679-2115

Lorin O'Donnell, 860-679-2837

Donna Alexander, 860-679-3431

LyAsia Shirden, 860-679-4103


HR Associates

Nadine Davies Charlton, 860-679-2597

Sarah Warkoski, 860-679-8171

Tracey Rich, 860-679-6788

Ally Zaza, 860-679-3860

Mailing Address
Human Resources
UConn Health
P.O. Box 4035
Farmington, CT 06034-4035
Phone: 860-679-2426
Fax: 860-679-1051

In Person
Human Resources
16 Munson Road, 5th Floor
Farmington, CT 06032

HR Conference Room: 860-679-7249