Budget Reallocation Policies and Procedures

Excel spreadsheet with numbers
Program/Business Unit Budget reallocations must be within the same program/business unit. For example, an expense budget cannot be moved from JDH to UMG.
Funds Budget reallocations must be within the same fund (general funds, operating funds, clinical funds and research funds).
Financial Classification Budget reallocations must be within the same financial classification pools (salaries, purchased services, supplies and other expenses pools).
FTE/Head Count Budget reallocations should not increase FTE/Head Count over approved budget. Budget modifications to fund unbudgeted positions will need to come from an existing vacant position.
Position Funding Budget reallocations to fund mid-year unbudgeted positions will require the annual amount to be funded. For example, an unbudgeted $100,000 position starting in January would need a budget modification which equals the $100,000 not $50,000.
Unbudgeted Revenue Positions and Other Expenses Budget reallocations which use revenue as the offset to increase expense will be reviewed by the PTR Committee.
Grant Movement All positions moving off of a Grant onto the General Fund which are unbudgeted will need PTR approval and budget reallocation to fund the position.
CMHC Movement Positions moving off of CMHC onto another UConn Health business unit will need approval by the PTR Committee.
Special Payroll Positions Budget reallocations from Special Payroll positions to fund regular positions will be reviewed by the PTR Committee.
Overtime Budget reallocations from budgeted overtime to fund regular positions will be reviewed by the PTR Committee.
Budgeted New Positions Filled at their intended purpose only. For example, if a cardiologist is budgeted, the position can not be filled with an administrative assistant. All exceptions will be reviewed by the PTR Committee.