
Marwa Elamin receives the 2024 Epilepsia Basic Science Prize

Marwa Elamin, a recent graduate from the Levine lab, was awarded the 2024 Epilepsia Prize in Basic Science for her article, Dysfunctional sodium channel kinetics as a novel epilepsy mechanism in chromosome 15q11-q13 duplication syndrome. The prize is awarded for a paper of exceptional quality that constitutes an important contribution to clinical or experimental epilepsy. […]

Daylin Gamiotea Turro of the Verma Lab receives AHA award

Daylin Gamiotea Turro, a postdoctoral fellow in the Verma lab, has received the 2024 Research Supplement to Promote Diversity in Science Award from the American Heart Association (AHA). With the support of this fellowship, Daylin will contribute to our ongoing research on the Encephalomyosynangiosis (EMS) procedure to improve post-stroke recovery. EMS promotes a vascular niche […]