Christian Tallo (class of 2026) is now the third student working in the vision research lab of Royce Mohan at the UCONN School of Medicine to win a prestigious travel award from the National Eye Institute. Christian will present his first author talk on restoring Schwann cell function in corneal chemical injury. This award enables […]
Breakthrough Neuroimmunology Study to be Featured at SfN Meeting
A recent study lead by Pearl Sutter, a graduate student in the lab of Dr. Stephen Crocker, which appeared in the prestigious Journal of Experimental Medicine (IF 17.579) on Sept 4, 2023 has received notice that it will also appear in a select issue of that journal to be released at the upcoming Society for […]
CounterACT NIH Translational Grant Awarded to the Mohan lab
The eye is one of the most sensitive organs that can be injured by toxic chemicals and warfare agents, but drug treatments to mitigate chemical-induced ocular pathology have not been developed. Alerted to increased threats posed by homeland terrorists who could cause mass casualty by chemical exposure, the trans NIH-agency CounterACT program was developed to […]