
Sanjeev Kumar Yadav from Verma Lab Receives ISN Travel Award

Sanjeev Yadav, a second-year postdoctoral researcher in Verma Lab has been awarded a prestigious travel grant from the International Society for Neurochemistry (ISN). This award supports his participation in the 2025 ISN-American Society for Neurochemistry (ASN) Conference, where he will present his first-author research on the Anti-miRs for Ischemic stroke therapy. The conference offers a […]

Michael Li lands a spot in Ophthalmology residency

Michael Li, a fourth-year medical student in the UConn School of Medicine successfully matched to his top choice in Ophthalmology Residency. Michael has completed four years of research in the Mohan lab in the Neuroscience department, pioneering the study of corneal Schwann cells and helping identify a novel treatment for axonal regeneration. His remarkable trajectory stems from […]

New Approach Could Help Alzheimer’s Research – Yan Lab

Development of Alzheimer’s disease pathology is contributed from oligodendrocytes. UConn School of Medicine Professor and Chair of Neuroscience Riqiang Yan, Associate Professor of Neuroscience Xiangyou Hu, and their colleagues suggest a big data approach in the Nov. 17 issue of Molecular Degeneration. Collecting data on oligodendrocytes in systems biology research—those studies that look at large numbers of […]