Mohan Lab celebrates Match Day with Gwendolyn Schultz

The Mohan lab celebrates the accomplishments of 4th year medical student Gwendolyn Schultz in her matching OpGwendolyn Schultzhthalmology residency at SUNY Upstate in Syracuse. Gwen has worked in the Mohan lab for the past 3 years investigating the molecular mechanisms of corneal injury repair and the role of Schwann cells in axonal homeostasis.  Her research contributions as the second-author appeared in a recent paper in the Journal of Neuroscience Research, which received the cover of the journal. On receiving this exciting news, Gwen comments, “I’m so grateful for my time in the Mohan lab and the opportunity to explore my interest in Ophthalmology with truly wonderful mentors. I look forward to transitioning to the clinical setting and continuing research in this field!”