As posted in UConn Today, August 13, 2021 August 9, 2021 | Anna Zarra Aldrich ’20 (CLAS), Office of the Vice President for Research UConn Patents Novel Combination Approach for Alzheimer’s Treatment Dr. Riqiang Yan, professor and chair of the Department of Neuroscience, has published a paper putting forth a novel combination of compounds that could […]
Award for Excellence presented to Gwen Schultz
At the UConn School of Medicine awards ceremony for the 2021 graduating class, Gwendolyn Schultz from the Mohan lab was presented with the Award for Excellence in a Specific Discipline for her research in Ophthalmology. Her research presentation titled “A glial point of view: investigating corneal Schwann cells in ex vivo murine organ and whole-eye […]
Prestigious Graduate Fellowship received, Elamin
Congratulations to Marwa Elamin, graduate student in Dr. Eric Levine’s laboratory, on receiving a prestigious graduate Fellowship in the Faculty for the Future program from The Schlumberger Foundation. Marwa’s research uses human stem cell models to study the neurodevelopmental disorder Dup15q syndrome.