3 year AHA Transformational Project Award to Dr. Verma

After an ischemic stroke, injured or newborn neurons do not survive due to impaired vasculature in ischemic tissue. Inadequate blood supply in the infarct area exacerbate not only tissue damage but also prevent recovery. This led to the hypothesis that improving blood supply to the peri-infarct tissue would increase trophic support and thus improve post-stroke […]

Dr. Rajkumar Verma receives 2 million R01 grant for his work on ischemic stroke

Stroke remains a leading cause of disability in the United States. Stroke is a heterogeneous multifactorial disorder. Prior attempts at developing new therapies have failed in clinics due to imperfect target validation, unrealistic therapeutic windows and lack of age appropriate models. Thus, there is an opportunity and a need to identify new medical treatment for […]

Dr. Zhao-Wen Wang received a new award of 2.83 million from NIH

Melatonin is a sleep-promoting hormone acting through melatonin receptors. However, the downstream molecular target(s) for its sleep-promoting effect has remained elusive. In a recent study from Dr. Wang’s lab (Niu et al., PNAS 117: 25128-25137, 2020), it was found that melatonin promotes sleep in C. elegans by activating the BK channel (also known as SLO-1 in worms […]