
Mohan lab awarded NIH CounterACT program funding

The imminent threat of a terrorist attack in the United States involving chemical agents has created new challenges for homeland security (https://www.ninds.nih.gov/current-research/trans-agency-activities/counteract-program). In research aimed to counteract the ocular damage caused by chemical injury, the principal investigator Royce Mohan and co-investigator Paola Bargagna-Mohan have developed innovative insights into how corneal Schwann cells help to restore […]

Keaven Caro – Martinelli Lab awarded NRSA F30 Fellowship

Keaven Caro, an MD/PhD student in the Martinelli lab was awarded a position on the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Fellowship F30 from the National Institute of Mental Health. The goal of this funding is to promote the development of exceptional physician scientist trainees and their research on understanding the mechanisms […]

High distinctions for medical students from the Mohan lab

The Mohan lab is proud to announce the research achievements of students from the UCONN School of Medicine who will present their innovative results at the 2024 international conference Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) held in Seattle, WA. Michael Li, who is investigating the role of Schwann cells in corneal nerve regeneration, […]