High distinctions for medical students from the Mohan lab

High distinctions for medical students from the Mohan lab

The Mohan lab is proud to announce the research achievements of students from the UCONN School of Medicine who will present their innovative results at the 2024 international conference Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) held in Seattle, WA. Michael Li, who is investigating the role of Schwann cells in corneal nerve regeneration, was awarded the prestigious National Eye Institute travel award. Michael. Elias Mullane, who is investigating a novel druggable target PAD4 in age-related macular degeneration, was awarded the prestigious ARVO travel award. Medical students Christian Tallo investigating Schwann cells in corneal injury, and Alexander Zafiris studying the PAD4-citrullination axis in chemical injury, will also be presenting first author abstracts at the ARVO conference. This group of distinguished medical students doing basic research in corneal and retinal pathologies are aiming to find novel treatments for eye injury and diseases. The Mohan lab is supported by the John A. and Florence Mattern Solomon Endowment and NIH CounterACT program grant R56EY03521 (NEI and NIAID) and R21EY031113 (NEI).