The Department of Neuroscience Annual Retreat was held on Thursday, June 8, 2017 at the Mark Twain House & Museum, Hartford, CT. This scientific day was filled with many poster and oral presentations from our very own group of students and postdocs, as well as many presenters from surrounding area Universities (Trinity College, University of Hartford and UConn Storrs). The day ended with a keynote speech from Dr. Patrizia Casaccia, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Neuroscience in the Genetics and Genomic Sciences at The Mount Sinai Hospital, entitled, “The Ins and Outs of the Myelinating Oligodendrocyte Cell Identity.”
While the students and postdocs presented, judging also took place. Many faculty signed up for this task by rating the presentations on a number of criteria; from presentation skills, comprehension of their project, to interpretation of the data. At the end of the day, the numbers were tallied, creating a number of winners that stood out among the group. During lunch, we also had an "elevator pitch" competition where presenters had 60 seconds to describe what they do, being as clear and precise for those who were not familiar with the scientific jargon. Judges consisted of 3 non-scientific staff, including one faculty member.
The day wouldn't be complete without an MC to moderate the event throughout the day. Dr. Stephen Crocker, retreat organizer, fills this role perfectly!
Thank you to ALL who presented and attended that day AND congratulations to the following presenters!
Oral Presentation Winners

Carissa Sirois
Graduate Assistant
Chamberlain Lab

Marwa Elamin
University of Hartford

John Wizeman
Postdoctoral Fellow
James Li Lab
Poster Presentation Winners

Judy Bloom
Graduate Assistant
Les Loew Lab

Brittany Knight
Graduate Assistant
Baumbauer Lab

Meghan Lees
Trinity College

Mason Yeh
Postdoctoral Fellow
Eric Levine Lab
“Elevator Pitch” Winner

Cory Willis
Graduate Assistant
Crocker Lab
Other Photos

Special "thank you" goes out to the Ray A. Kroc and Robert L. Kroc fund AND to all our Vendor supporters for making this event possible.
2017 Neuroscience Retreat Program and Agenda
Looking to next year's event, we are always open to feedback and suggestions to make this even better! Please email Dr. Stephen Crocker, and/or Jody Gridley,