Neuroscience Research Programs

Research Goals

1dinj GFAP Mosaic
Immunofluorescent images of injured mice retina. Seven days after injury, the mouse eye exhibits long GFAP filaments throughout the layers of the retina. Cell nuclei can be observed in three layers of the retina, with filaments from Müller glia providing structure to the eye.

The Neuroscience Department is an interdisciplinary and interdepartmental program, with 32 program faculty members. The goal of research in this program is to understand the development, organization, function, and dysfunction of the nervous system at the molecular, cellular, systems, and whole animal levels. Molecular, electrophysiological, behavioral, genetic, confocal imaging, and stem or virtual cell approaches are employed, as well as cellular, animal, transgenic, and mathematical models. The breadth of this program is depicted in a survey of the numerous topics covered by faculty research, which include: stem and precursor cell biology as it pertains to gliogenesis and neurogenesis in the developing nervous system; biochemistry and regulation of gene expression, signal transduction, and intracellular trafficking in neurons and glia; structure and function of voltage-sensitive ion channels; synthesis, storage and secretion of neuropeptides; neurotransmission and plasticity; synaptic organization and stimulus coding; sensory perception, behavioral neuroscience and human psychophysics; neuroinflammation, autoimmunity, and neurodegeneration; the biology of substance abuse and biomarker imaging. Research pertaining to specific diseases or disorders include: substance abuse, stroke, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, blindness, and deafness.

Neuroscience Research Areas

The discipline of neuroscience examines nervous system function at numerous levels, incorporating a molecular and cellular viewpoint on the one hand and an integrative systems approach on the other. It is the goal of modern neuroscience research to integrate the two sides of this neurological coin into a consistent continuum, one that blends neurochemistry, developmental neurobiology, neuropharmacology, neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, and behavior neuroscience into a seamless intellectual construct capable of generating novel, testable hypotheses of how these individual disciplines are coordinated to produce the remarkable machine we call the nervous system. The Department of Neuroscience at UConn Health has applied these principles in the development of an equally integrated community of neuroscience investigators, with special strengths in the following areas of research: Cellular & Molecular, Circuit & Systems Neuroscience, Developmental Neuroscience, Neurodegenerative Diseases, Neurodevelopmental DiseasesNeurotransmission Research, Psychiatric Disorders and Sensory Pathologies.