Leica Thunder Microscope


All NEW users MUST follow steps before using microscope:

  • Each laboratory has a designated expert.  Ask your lab’s expert to sign you up on the calendar for your training session. Indicate “training session” when signing up.
  • The person who is helping you will let you inside the room and get you started.
  • Watch the training video located on the desktop.
  • If you have more questions, ask them now to the expert in your lab.
  • Add your name/signature to the document indicating that you completed the training video and have taken the solemn vow regarding the usage of oil.
  • Inform David Martinelli when training is completed, and he will grant you access to sign up on the calendar.
  • Request Shannon Mancini (shmancini@uchc.edu) to give you badge access (also copy David Martinelli, davidmartinelli@uchc.edu on the email).
  • Do not break the microscope.

Reservations Rules:

  • When you make the reservation online, include your name, lab name, and your phone number.
  • Carefully look to avoid a double booking. The system will not stop you from a double reservation.
  • Don’t forget to sign in on the paper pad that is in the room too when you actually sit down.
  • If there is a signup within an hour of when you are done, leave the microscope on. If you have made a reservation, but change your mind and don’t want to use it, you will still be obligated to at least come and turn everything off.

All TRAINED users are able to use the microscope MUST sign up on the SharePoint calendar:
Calendar-Leica Microscope-Rm E4003.


Equipment administrator:  Dr. David Martinelli, davidmartinelli@uchc.edu , 860-679-2271, L4003