Author: Susan M Staurovsky

Loew Publication

09-09-2021 Les Loew is co-author on a paper with collaborators from the Pollard lab at Yale, just published online in Biophysical Journal (PMID 34509503). The work was started by Les some time ago to computationally explore molecular details of actin assembly and was recently revived by a graduate student in the Pollard lab. Congrats to Les!

Pedro Mendes interviewed on NBC Connecticut news

8-31-21. See Pedro Mendes’ interview with Dan Corcoran of NBC Connecticut news here.  Dr. Mendes discusses the implications of his COVID-19 infection models and trajectories for the current surge.  You can also find an article in the Hartford Courant by Alex Putterman that extensively quotes Dr. Mendes on the current COVID-19 infection numbers in CT and the predictions of Dr. Mende’s models.