
The 23rd Annual Workshop on Computational Cell Biology

05-25-22 The 23rd Computational Cell Biology workshop took place at R. D. Berlin Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling (CCAM) on May 23-25th. For 3 days more than 40 online participants learnt how to use VCell, COPASI and SpringSalad software tools for modeling of cell biology systems. 16 participants participated in the “project track”, working individually with CCAM staff on developing their modeling projects. CCB workshop

Paola Wins Worldwide Interstellar Initiative Alumni Program

05-18-22 Congratulations to Paola Vera-Licona for winning the competitive Worldwide Interstellar Initiative Alumni Program. Paola, along with her collaborators, won the award from the New York Academy of Sciences and Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development. This collaborative program brings international scientists together, early in their careers, as a means of fostering scientific achievements. See UConn Today for the complete article.

Publication for the Evolutionary Medicine Group

02-02-22 Yasir Suhail from Evolutionary Medicine Group led by Kshitiz published in PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences), mapping the genetic and transcriptional across mammals with different placental invasion. Kshitiz lab, along with Gunter Wagner at Yale had previously advanced a theory “Evolved Levels of Invasability” drawing a causation between type of pregnancy in mammals, and rates of cancer malignancy in mammals.
Ref: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2111256119