Author: Susan M Staurovsky

Mendes Publication

12-15-21. Congratulations to Pedro Mendes on a new publication, Understanding Lactobacillus paracasei
and Streptococcus oralis biofilm interactions through agent-based modeling
, published in mSphere 6:e0087521. Along with other UConn Health investigators, they studied the interactions between two bacterial species that form biofilms in the oral cavity. The research combined experiments and agent-based simulations to understand the mechanism of interaction.

Acker Publication

11-18-21.  A new review co-authored by Corey Acker is published in Frontiers in Physiology: Cardiac Electrophysiology ( The review highlights optical methods for cardiac research presented at the first NOtiCE (novel optics-based approaches for cardiac electrophysiology) meeting in Florence, Italy in Sept. 2018 where Corey was an invited speaker.​ Congratulations Corey!