Welcome Jianbin Ruan, Ph.D.

Jianbin Ruan, Ph.D.
We welcome Dr. Jianbin Ruan as assistant professor to the Department of Immunology. Dr. Ruan’s research focuses on the structural and mechanistic study in the emerging field of cytoplasmic innate immune signaling, especially signal transduction pathways of pyroptosis and inflammation using multidisciplinary tools including cryo-electron microscopy, X-ray crystallography, and other biochemical and biophysical methods.

Welcome Zhichao Fan, Ph.D.

Zhichao Fan, Ph.D.
We welcome Dr. Zhichao Fan as assistant professor to the Department of Immunology. Dr. Fan’s research lies in the field of leukocyte trafficking and inflammation which he examines using advanced microscopy.

Dr. Chuan Li Receives Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology Travel Award for Young Investigators

Dr. Chuan Li received the Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology Travel Award for Young Investigators
Dr. Chuan Li received the Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology Travel Award for Young Investigators for his abstract presentation during the Vascular Discovery: From Genes to Medicine 2019 Scientific Sessions in Boston, MA. Only 10 recipients were selected from close to 1,000 presenters at this conference. Dr. Li is a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Beiyan Zhou’s lab.

Dr. Li has been asked to re-present his abstract at the American Heart Association Conference.

Dr. Clinton Mathias Receives AAI Award

Clinton B. Mathias, Ph.D.
The American Association of Immunologists announces the 2019 recipients of AAI Awards for outstanding research and career achievements. Former Immunology graduate student Dr. Clinton Mathias of Western New England University has received this honor for outstanding service to AAI and the immunology community as director of the AAI High School Teachers Program from 2012-2018.