Month: December 2023

Dr. Vijay Rathinam’s and Dr. Puja Kumari’s Paper Published in Nature Cell Biology

Congratulations to Dr. Vijay Rathinam and Dr. Puja Kumari for having their paper, 'Host extracellular vesicles confer cytosolic access to systemic LPS licensing non-canonical inflammasome sensing and pyroptosis’ published in the journal Nature Cell Biology. The paper first-authored by Dr. Puja Kumari, a postdoctoral fellow in the Rathinam lab, identified extracellular vesicles (EVs) secreted by host cells capture circulating bacterial ipopolysaccharide (LPS) and escort it to the cytosol of cells enabling non-canonical inflammasome sensing and cell death. The findings from this study provide insights into cytosolic immune surveillance of systemic microbial products.

Dr. Kepeng Wang