Holiday Party, 2024
Holiday Party, 2023
Dr. Linda Cauley's Retirement Reception
Remote May Social Hour

Holiday Party, 2019
Monthly Immunology Social Hour
Holiday Fun, 2018
Annual Holiday Party, 2016
Halloween, 2016
UConn Health Fall Festival and "Pumpkin Palooza", 2016
For the fourth year in a row, the Immunology office crew won the pumpkin decorating contest with their “Be Wise and Immunize” entry!
Pizza Party, September 2016
Dr. Vella welcomes everyone to a new academic year.
Congratulations to Dr. Beiyan Zhou for her promotion to associate professor with academic tenure.
Good food and good company.
Immunology contributes to the Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center's Cancer Survivors Day Event, September 2016
Through the generosity of the Department of Immunology, we have donated gift baskets for the 19th annual Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center Cancer Survivor’s Day on September 18, 2016. This event honors cancer center patients and their families.