
Acker, Loew and Ping at Biophysics Meeting

3-6-21 Two posters at the 2021 Biophysical Society Meeting describe collaborations among the Acker, Loew and Ping labs developing new fluorescent probes for voltage-sensing. One poster with coauthors Julie Harris and Daniel Fairchild is entitled “New Chromophores For Fret-Based Voltage Sensing Systems” A second poster presents the work with JAX faculty Travis Hinton along with Anthony Pettinato and is describes “Optimization And Validation Of Fast Ratiometric Voltage-Sensitive Dye Imaging In Neuronal And Cardiac Tissues And Cultures.”

Ani Chattaraj presents at Biophysical Society meeting

3-9-21 Aniruddha Chattaraj, a PhD student with Leslie Loew, presented two posters with coauthors Loew and Blinov at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society. One poster describes “Modeling Multivalent Protein Phase Separations With Network-Free Rule-Based Modeling.” The second poster describes his work demonstrating a “Solubility Product Constant Governs Multivalent Protein Phase Separations.”

Lauren Marazzi presents at INCOME 202

3-6-21 Lauren Marazzi a MD/PHD student in the Vera-Licona lab at CCAM presented a poster at INCOME 2021 conference and hackathon held March 1-4.  The meeting gathers experts in pathway modelling to discuss the state-of-the-art in reuse, integration, visualization, and parameterization of models.  Visit the meeting website at



Congratulations to the Mohan lab on cover and JNR article

We are happy to report that Dr. Paola Bargagna-Mohan, a member of the Mohan lab at UConn Health, had her work selected to be displayed on the cover of the Journal of Neuroscience, Corneal nonmyelinating Schwann cells illuminated by single‐cell transcriptomics and visualized by protein biomarkers, J Neurosci Res. 2021; 99:731-749. Paola used the Zeiss 880 CLSM to obtain her images and used Imaris to visualize her data in the CCAM Microscopy User Facility.


Faculty Positions Available for Quantitative Cell Biology

Applications at the Assistant or Associate Professor levels are invited for several faculty positions in the area of Quantitative Cell Biology – both experimental and computational – to join the R. D. Berlin Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling (CCAM) and the Center for Quantitative Medicine (CQM). Please visit CCAM Faculty Positions and UConn Health Career Opportunities for more information.