VCell and COPASI were presented at HARMONY 2024 ( at University College London. Michael Blinov gave a tutorial on VCell, while Frank Bergman (one of COPASI developers) talked about the web version of COPASI running through JavaScript. Other topics discussed include interoperability of multiple standards like SBML, SED-ML and COMBINE archive supported by both VCell and COPASI.
Author: Mikhail Blinov
Kshitiz lab published a manuscript on Lactate in breast cancer cells
13 March 2024. Kshitiz lab has published a manuscript on “Lactate in breast cancer cells is associated with evasion of hypoxia-induced cell cycle arrest and adverse patient outcome”,
25th Annual Comp Cell Bio workshop
VCell, COPASI and SpringSalad were taught and used for projects at the 25th Annual Computational Cell Biology (CCB) workshop that took place online February 26-28th. The invited talks were given by Yulia Timofeeva (University of Warwick), James P Sluka (Indiana University) and Kevin Janes (University of Virginia). Sixteen participants were selected to work with VCell and COPASI instructors on their projects, and eight gave presentations on their projects at the Modeling Symposium.
Kshitiz, Vera-Licona & Agmon publication on breast cancer
28 February 2024. Dr. Kshitiz lab published a manuscript on “Oscillatory Hypoxia Can Induce Senescence of Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Potentiating Invasive Transformation of Breast Epithelial Cells”,
Kshitiz lab published a manuscript on tissue-of-origin for cancers
19 February 2024. Kshitiz lab published a manuscript on “Tissue-of-origin for cancers determines HIF-1 activation induced phenotypic heterogeneity”,