26 June 2023. Congratulations to Dr. Kshitiz and Dr. Afzal from UCSF that published Research Highlights in Nature on “CRISPRing the hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: correcting one pathogenic variant at a time”, https://www.nature.com/articles/s41392-023-01526-0
Author: Mikhail Blinov
Drs. Blinov, Moraru and Kuchel publish a research on aging
05-04-2023. The interdisciplinary team consisting of CCAM modelers Drs. Blinov and Moraru and researchers from the Center on Aging Drs. Kuchel and Kositsawat, together with former undergrad students Schaumburger and Pally published a manuscript theoretically explaining the bistability of clinical outcomes: the likelihood of an individual remaining mobile over time either increases to almost 100% or decreases to almost zero
Schaumburger, N., Pally, J., Moraru, I. I., Kositsawat, J., Kuchel, G. A., & Blinov, M. L. (2023). Dynamic model assuming mutually inhibitory biomarkers of frailty suggests bistability with contrasting mobility phenotypes. Frontiers in Network Physiology, 3, 1079070.
VCell tutorial at ICSB 2022 in Berlin
09-12-22. Michael Blinov and Ion Moraru will give a VCell tutorial at the 21st International Conference on Systems Biology – the premier meeting on systems studies in biology, human evolution disease and planetary health. The meeting will take place in Berlin, Germany on October 8th-12th. The tutorial will be on October 9th at 12:30pm local time (https://www.icsb2022.berlin/satellite-events).
New publication of the Vera-Licona Lab
06-20-22 Congratulations to Dr. Paola Vera-Licona and Lauren Marazzi who recently published a paper in npj Systems Biology and Applications on NETISCE: a network-based tool for cell fate reprogramming. In this paper, they introduce NETISCE, a novel computational tool for identifying cell fate reprogramming targets in static networks. In combination with machine learning algorithms, NETISCE estimates the attractor landscape and predicts reprogramming targets using Signal Flow Analysis and Feedback Vertex Set Control, respectively.
24th Annual Workshop on Computational Cell Biology
06-28-2023. The 24th Annual on-site workshop on Computational Cell Modeling took place in Farmington for the 3 days, June 26-28. 11 participants across USA (from Maryland to Urbana-Champaign) came to develop their scientific projects using VCell and COPASI software tools. Students were helped by CCAM members – Michael Blinov, Ann Cowan, Leslie Loew, Pedro Mendes, lon Moraru, Kelvin Perelson, Jim Schaff, Nathan Schaumburger, and Boris Slepchenko.