
Pedro Mendes interviewed on NBC Connecticut news

8-31-21. See Pedro Mendes’ interview with Dan Corcoran of NBC Connecticut news here.  Dr. Mendes discusses the implications of his COVID-19 infection models and trajectories for the current surge.  You can also find an article in the Hartford Courant by Alex Putterman that extensively quotes Dr. Mendes on the current COVID-19 infection numbers in CT and the predictions of Dr. Mende’s models.

Welcome Michael Guertin

7-06-2021. Please welcome our newest faculty member, Dr. Michael Guertin, who joins CCAM and the Department of Genetics and Genome Sciences. Dr. Guertin’s laboratory uses genomics, biochemistry and computational biology tools to explore mechanisms of transcriptional regulation and regulatory cascades in hormonal signaling.

Moraru, Blinov, Marupilla and Wilson publication

5-13-21. Drs Ion Moraru and Michael Blinov along with computer specialists Gnaneswara Marupilla and Michael Wilson are co-authors on a new paper in Nuclei Acids Research describing the new resources available through RunBioSimulations, a product of the NIH-funded National Biomedical Technology Resource lead by Ion Moraru of the University of Connecticut School of Medicine and Herbert Sauro at Washington University.

Cowan and Loew publication

5-13-21. Drs. Ann Cowan and Les Loew are co-authors on a new paper in PLoS Computational Biology, “Ten steps to investigate a cellular system with mathematical modeling” that teaches how to use mathematical modeling with VCell software to explore cellular systems.