
2021 Computational Biology Workshop

6-24-2021. CCAM hosted the 2021 Computational Cell Biology workshop JUnew 21-23, providing instruction to over 50 individuals from around the world on mathematical modeling techniques using VCell, COPASI and SpringSaLaD software.  Fifteen of the participants worked closely with CCAM researchers to develop their own models related to their research projects.  Another successful year for the modeling workshop!

Yuezhe Li defends thesis

4-8-21. Yuezhe Li, a PhD student with Yi Wu and co-mentored by Boris Slepchenko, successfully defended her thesis today.  Congratulations Dr. Li!  Dr. Li plans to move on to a position with Metrum Research Group, which specializes in modeling and simulation related to drug development.

Michael Guertin to join CCAM faculty

3-17-21. Dr. Michael Guertin will join CCAM and the Department of Genetics and Genome Sciences in July, 2021. Dr. Guertin’s research combines genomics, biochemistry and computational biology to explore mechanisms of transcriptional regulation and regulatory cascades in hormonal signaling. Welcome Mike!

Balakrishnan at UConn Frontiers in Undergrad Research

3-9-21 Shreedula Balakrishnan, working with Dr. Paola Vera-Licona, is presenting a poster entitled “Quantitative Study of Acute Myeloid Leukemia maturation state interconversion in vivo model of differentiation therapy” at the UConn Spring 2021 Frontiers in Undergraduate Research Exhibition March 22-26. For more information about the exhibition go to