Author: Mikhail Blinov

Welcome to new CCAM faculty Dr. Abhijit (Abhi) Deb Roy!

CCAM welcomes the new Assistant Professor Dr. Abhijit (Abhi) Deb Roy! Abhi received his PhD in Biomedical Sciences from UConn Health, and performed his postdoctoral work at Johns Hopkins Medical Institute Department of Cell Biology and the Center for Cell Dynamics. Abhi’s research focuses on molecular signaling pathways involved in cytoskeletal dynamics, mechanobiology and directional cell motility.  The Deb Roy lab is accepting students!

Dr. Agmon’s Cell Systems paper on modeling tumor with Vivarium

17 April 2024. Dr. Agmon and his collaborators from Stanford published a Cell Systems paper “Integrating multiplexed imaging and multiscale modeling identifies tumor phenotype conversion as a critical component of therapeutic T cell efficacy” utilizing the software Vivarium to simulate tumor/T cell interactions   Congratulations to Eran Agmon as the co-first author of a paper in the very prestigious Cell Systems journal!


Welcome to new CCAM faculty Dr. Sarvenaz Sarabipour!

CCAM welcomes the new Assistant Professor Dr. Sarvenaz Sarabipour! Dr. Sarabipour received her PhD in Engineering from Johns Hopkins University and performed her postdoctoral work at Johns Hopkins Institute for Computational Medicine and Department of Biomedical Engineering. Sarvenaz’s research in computational systems biology focuses on developing experimental and computational methods to study mechanisms of signal transduction in cells and tissue. The Sarabipour lab is accepting students!