Month: May 2023

Dr. Vera-Licona giving an invited talk on Model Checking in Marseille, France

Dr. Vera-Licona will be giving an invited talk on Model Checking during the thematic workshop on networks and biological model inference in the context of the CNRS Bioss working group on symbolic systems biology ( The aim is to gather people working on this topic to present recent results and discuss challenges and perspectives. The workshop will take place on July 3-4 2023 at CIRM in Marseille, France

Drs. Blinov, Moraru and Kuchel publish a research on aging

05-04-2023. The interdisciplinary team consisting of CCAM modelers Drs. Blinov and Moraru and researchers from the Center on Aging Drs. Kuchel and Kositsawat, together with former undergrad students Schaumburger and Pally published a manuscript theoretically explaining the bistability of clinical outcomes: the likelihood of an individual remaining mobile over time either increases to almost 100% or decreases to almost zero

Schaumburger, N., Pally, J., Moraru, I. I., Kositsawat, J., Kuchel, G. A., & Blinov, M. L. (2023). Dynamic model assuming mutually inhibitory biomarkers of frailty suggests bistability with contrasting mobility phenotypes. Frontiers in Network Physiology3, 1079070.