Month: April 2023

Dr. Agmon’s paper highlights dynamic 3D models (virtual cells)

04-11-2023. Dr. Eran Agmon, along with a diverse team of cell modelers from prestigious institutions including the Allen Institute for Cell Science, University of Washington, Stanford University, and University of Richmond, have collaboratively published a paper that advocates for the development of next-generation virtual cells. The paper highlights the potential of these dynamic 3D models in consolidating vast cellular information, facilitating a more comprehensive understanding of cellular behaviors, and fostering collaborative breakthroughs in cell science research.

 Johnson, G. T., Agmon, E., Akamatsu, M., Lundberg, E., Lyons, B., Ouyang, W., … & Horwitz, R. (2023). Building the next generation of virtual cells to understand cellular biology. Biophysical Journal.