Disability Insurance FAQ

Disability Insurance

In accordance with the State of Connecticut Paid Family Medical Leave (CTPFML) law, medical leaves for your own condition will provide full pay and benefits for up to 84 days. All non-medical family leaves, will be paid at the State’s approved rate of 60 times the State’s minimum wage rate at the time of the leave. For illnesses that extend past 90 days, the Long Term Disability benefit will become available.

Long Term Disability Insurance

Do I have Long Term Disability Coverage?

You are enrolled in a group policy with Guardian, and if your claim is approved, Guardian will pay you $3500 a month after 90 days, in lieu of your salary. These payments are taxable to you for Federal and State Income Tax purposes and FICA for the first 6 months. Guardian will issue an annual W-2.

How long will Guardian pay my monthly benefit?

As long as you doctor provides documentation that you are unable to work, you will receive the monthly benefit until you reach your retirement age. There is a 24 month policy limit for nervous/mental disorders.

Can I continue my Long Term Disability Insurance when I graduate?

You will be offered the option to convert from our group policy to an individual policy when you leave. The conversion has two outstanding features: first, an option to purchase a policy without medical underwriting. This is referred to as Guaranteed Issue and will cover you for any pre-existing condition and second, a true “Own Occupation” definition for the entire length of your disability.