Commitment to Resident Well-Being
Here at the University of Connecticut Psychiatry Residency Program, we are dedicated to nurturing wellness. We value a healthy work-life balance in our own careers, and so it feels only natural to promote it, value it, and cherish it in our residents. Beyond simply offering wellness programming and time off, we insist that everyone who interacts with our program be attuned to and concerned about the well-being of our members. It is ingrained in the culture of our organization, and we work hard to foster it at every level of our community. By providing a supportive, compassionate, and enriching environment for all, with plenty of opportunities for self-care and self-advocacy, we all benefit.
Some of our annual wellness activities include an Annual Welcome Picnic, two Wellness Retreat days per year, a Winter Fitness Challenge contest for residents, and faculty, the Annual Holiday Party (where residents get to use donated funds to shop for auction items), a Connecticut-wide Psychiatry Residents Day, various events organized by the Resident Social Chair, and an annual resident business meeting and lunch at a location chosen by the residents. Please visit our Instagram page and our impressive Padlet showcasing Life Outside of Residency: A window into our creative interests and animal friends outside of work.
Since we are also part of a larger institution, we also want to highlight that the UConn School of Medicine Graduate Medical Education is committed to supporting the well-being of all our residents and fellows during their training program. For a full list of resources offered through UConn Health, the Capital Area Health Consortium, and the broader community, please visit the Graduate Medical Education Office Well-Being website.