Clinical Curriculum

The fellowship includes 15 blocks of clinical service. Clinical rotations at Connecticut Children’s Level 4 NICU provide first year fellows with a high degree of supervised direct patient contact and responsibility in the NICU, and gradually increase autonomous responsibility for second and third year fellows. Typically, fellows will spend six blocks of the first year, five blocks in the second year and four blocks in the third year rotating in the NICU. During this time fellows function as primary consultants to the house staff in each of the participating nurseries, supervising hour-by-hour care of critically ill newborn infants. Transport of the critically ill newborn infant forms an essential part of this experience, during which they serve as team leaders for neonatal transports. Fellows take in-house call with calls weighted to the first year and decreasing as fellowship progresses. Fellows take 60 calls (approximately five calls/month) during the first year, 50 calls (approximately four calls/month) during the second year and 40 calls during the third year (approximately three to four calls/month during the third year.

With attending supervision and guidance, fellows are responsible for overseeing care of all NICU patients, whether cared for by pediatric residents or advanced practice providers, and are the first-line supervisor in the NICU. Fellows participate substantially in the education of pediatric residents as well as medical students doing a fourth year critical care elective. Fellows also participate in resident conferences and didactics, either as co-attendees or as presenters.

As part of the fellowship curriculum, fellows receiving training in quality improvement and begin involvement in a QI project. This may include initiation of their own project or participation in an ongoing project. Participation continues throughout the fellowship.

Fellows attend the Neonatal Follow-up Clinic during all three years of the fellowship. Over the period of three years fellows attend 21 sessions during which they evaluate discharged high-risk newborns and perform neurodevelopmental evaluations.