We offer the following educational conferences. Board review sessions are held once or twice a month on Tuesdays from 3 to 4 p.m. In addition, the fellows are offered support to attend national conferences annually and have the opportunity to present posters at local, regional and national meetings.
Clinical Case Conference (CCC)
Fellows or faculty members present challenging cases from the inpatient consultation service or outpatient clinics on Tuesdays at 4 p.m. The fellows are expected to support their presentations with reviews of the pertinent literature. This conference is attended by the entire clinical faculty at UConn Health and is open to clinicians citywide. The conference is also attended by visiting professors on the days coinciding with the Endocrine Scholars Lecture series and frequently attended by pediatric endocrinologists from the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center.
Journal Club (JC)
This conference is held every 4 to 6 weeks as an extension of the Tuesday clinical case conference. Fellows rotate presentation dates and select articles in consultation with the faculty. Copies are forwarded to the attendees prior to the meeting so everyone has a chance to review. The fellow will present an evidence-based review of the article followed by a group discussion. Critical review of study design, methodology, statistical interpretation, clinical relevance and fundamental skills in appraisal of scientific literature are all addressed.
Endocrine Scholars Lecture Series (ESL)
This conference is held approximately once a month on Tuesdays from 3 to 4 p.m. This lecture series generally features invited speakers who are internationally renowned field experts. The majority of the lectures cover basic endocrine research with emphasis on translational research. The series will occasionally feature a purely clinical speaker, in which case, the lecture is followed by a “Meet the Professor” type session of the CCC.
Endocrine Inter-City Grand Rounds (ICGR)
This conference is held every Thursday from 12 to 1 p.m. at a different program site: on the second Thursday of every month it is held at UConn Health. This conference features invited speakers or UConn Health faculty members and focuses on keeping our local endocrine community abreast of the latest developments in clinical endocrinology.
Foundations of Endocrine Summer Series (ESS)
This is held every Tuesday from 3 to 4 p.m. during the summer and fall. This conference is designed for the fellows to focus on diagnosis and management of endocrine emergencies and urgencies and basic endocrine management skills.
Endocrine Practicum Series
This is held on Tuesdays from 3 to 4 p.m. during the fall. The fellows are exposed to select practical topics in clinical endocrinology, including diabetes technology (insulin pumps, continuous glucose monitoring), DXA interpretation, thyroid ultrasound and dynamic endocrine testing.
Interdisciplinary Thyroid and Parathyroid Conference
This is held on the 5th Thursday of every month from 12 to 1 p.m. This is an interdisciplinary case conference attended by physicians from endocrinology, otolaryngology, radiology, oncology and pathology discussing intricacies of diagnosis and management of challenging thyroid and parathyroid cases and topic reviews.
Medicine Grand Rounds
This is held every Thursday 8 to 9 a.m. This is a series of invited lectures from UConn Health and visiting faculty on all internal medicine topics.
Obesity Conference
This is a three part lecture series held on Tuesdays from 3 to 4 p.m. presented by an AOM obesity certified internist to discuss the biology, pathophysiology, and medical/surgical management of obesity.
In-Training Fellowship Exam
Fellows take the Endocrine Society In-Training Examination (ITE) annually in January or February. All fellows receive copies of their scores directly with comparisons to internal and national scores of their peers. ITE results may be used by the fellow to identify areas of strength and weakness. Likewise, aggregate ITE results are used by the Program Director and the Education Committee to improve fellow education opportunities, conference topics and other areas.