Diversity and Inclusion

At the University of Connecticut’s Neurological Surgery Residency Program diversity and inclusion are essential aspects of creating a positive and productive environment.

In today’s society, it is crucial for us to recognize the importance of embracing diversity in all its forms. This includes diversity in terms of race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability status, and more.

By fostering and promoting diversity and inclusivity within our organization and program, we can all benefit from a wide range of perspectives and experiences. The goal of the University of Connecticut Neurological Surgery Residency Program is to develop graduate residents into competent and caring physicians who are well positioned to be leaders in their respective arenas of future practice. These perspectives and experiences will not only lead to increased creativity and innovation in those arenas but will also enhance problem-solving abilities and decision-making processes.

At University of Connecticut Neurological Surgery Residency Program, creating and fostering this type of environment helps to ensure that not only are our residents feeling valued and respected but that their peers and other healthcare team workers are as well. Moreover, it promotes equality and inclusivity by proving our residents are just as diverse as the patients we serve.

University of Connecticut Neurological Surgery Residency Program is a patient-centered, culturally aware, program providing the highest-value patient care. We continue to do this by embracing and celebrating the diversity of each of the remarkable individuals that make up our neurosurgery family. Through this, we have created one of the most diverse neurosurgery programs in the country.