Appointment at Senior Rank-Procedure and FAQs

 UConn School of Medicine

A candidate who has achieved a senior rank faculty appointment in their prior academic institution, or who may otherwise be eligible for a senior rank appointment in the School of Medicine (SOM) may be nominated for such appointment following the senior rank appointment process outlined below.  Confirmation of senior rank appointment requires recommendation by the Senior Appointments and Promotions Committee (SAPC) and approval of the Dean of the School of Medicine, the Provost, and the Academic Affairs Subcommittee of the UConn Health Board of Directors.

At time of recruitment:

The SOM department chair/center director and the candidate will determine the professional category and leg most fitting with the candidate’s academic accomplishments and discuss how the criteria for appointment at senior rank in this category have been satisfied.

The chair/center director will next complete a Dean’s Liaison Review form and submit along with the candidate’s CV to Donna Patterson or Cindy Sullivan in the Office of Faculty Affairs who will facilitate review by a senior faculty liaison for confirmation of appropriateness of senior rank nomination.

If positively affirmed for appropriateness of proposed senior rank appointment, the department chair/center director is to notify the candidate and proceed with the proposed senior rank recruitment.

Following acceptance of offer letter:

The department chair/center director is expected to shepherd the process for senior rank appointment, including careful review of application materials and adherence to the timeline for submission of the final nomination packet to the Program Manager for the SAPC by the deadline (any time before but no later than 60 days following the new hire’s start date).

Therefore, upon acceptance of the offer letter, the department chair/center or assigned designee is expected to provide the candidate with the timeline for submission of the application packet and specific nomination instructions and checklist for the candidate’s track found on Candidate Instructions, forms, and TemplatesThe department is also expected to ensure it submits the candidate’s full nomination packet to the Program Manager for the SAPC by the deadline.

Please review the following FAQ’s

  • When can I submit my application?
    • Applications can be submitted at any time before your start date and up to 60 days after your start date.
  • What are the expectations regarding submission for senior rank appointment?
    • Candidates must submit the following:
      • Updated CV following the UConn CV template which is likely different from your current CV format.
      • Personal Statement: Summary of candidate’s accomplishments in the professional category and leg in which the candidate is being nominated, organized around each criterion and leg (please follow the templates). Important to note is that the Personal Statement must provide a summary of accomplishments/areas of excellence in teaching; clinical; research; professional reputation (regionally/nationally); leadership; service, along with objective evidence. (Please review the professional category and leg in which you are being nominated and the unique requirements that must be addressed).
      • List of References
        • 6-8 references from outside of your current institution and 4 references from within your current institution, along with 8-12 names of students/residents are required.
      • Summary of Teaching and Clinical Responsibilities forms.
      • Copies of the first pages of publications for the past 5 years, if applicable.
  • Where should I submit my application material?
    • Nomination materials should be forwarded to your hiring department/center for review. The department/center is responsible for forwarding your nomination packet to the SAPC through the Program Manager for the SAPC in the Office of Faculty Affairs.


  • How long will it take for my application to be reviewed by the SAPC?
    • The review process will start as soon as your application is complete. The limiting factor as to the timing of when your application will be considered at a meeting of the SAPC – which are held every two weeks throughout the academic year and monthly during the summer months – is when the SAPC receives the required letters of reference from those you have listed as referees as well as the additional independent referees selected by the SAPC. To help expedite, it is always a good idea to inform your referees in advance that they will be receiving a request for evaluation from the UConn SOM /Faculty Affairs Office. This way they will not be surprised or ignore the request.


  • The Nomination Instructions contain more detailed information regarding the application requirements. Within this document you will find links to forms and templates for your assistance. Contact your hiring department if you have any questions regarding the assembly of your materials. You can also contact either Dr. Kiki Nissen, Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs or Dr. Jennifer Cavallari, Director of Faculty Development.


  • What happens after my application for senior rank appointment is acted on by SAPC?
    • The SAPC makes its recommendations for appointment at senior rank to the Dean of the School of Medicine. The recommendation of the SAPC will then be considered for approval by the Dean, the Provost and the Academic Affairs Subcommittee of the UConn Health Board of Directors (which meets quarterly throughout the calendar year).