Oversight Committee

Part of the UConn Health Outpatient Pavilion sign

Duties: The Oversight Committee is an elected group of faculty that monitors the implementation of the governance mechanisms as outlined in the bylaws of the School of Medicine. The Oversight Committee ensures that there is communication between the governance committees and the faculty*; reviews the results achieved by implementation of policies and programs; initiates and monitors all department, center, and other reviews mandated in the bylaws; and identifies bylaws that may need to be reviewed and/or amended. The committee is responsible for ad hoc as well as periodic reviews of the bylaws at intervals no greater than seven years, and for implementing the amendment process described in Section IX.

The Oversight Committee reports its findings to the dean and the Dean’s Council.

Authority: The Oversight Committee has access to the agendas and decisions of all councils. It ensures open communication regarding governance by working with the dean to establish a publishing mechanism and by calling faculty forums at appropriate times. It initiates department and center reviews and monitors the results, and controls the bylaws amendment process as described in Section IX.

All terms are three years unless elected to fill a vacated seat.

Jennifer Cavallari, '27
Marc Hansen, '25
Philip Kerr, '27
Santhanan Lakshminarayanan, '25
Bruce Mayer, '27
Eric Mortensen, '26
Kourosh Parham, '26
Linda Shapiro, '26
Riqiang Yan, '25

*Sections of departmental and center reviews that address personnel issues are confidential and any communications regarding these issues must be via the chair of the Oversight Committee in consultation with the dean.

Meeting Schedule

All meetings are on the fourth Thursday of every month from 8:30a.m. to 9:30 a.m. in the Walker Academic Affairs Conference Room, AG070.