Microscopy Fees

CCAM Fees CCAM uses the UConn Health CORES billing and scheduling software for both Internal Users and External Users. All UConn Health users must be authorized to charge an FRS account on the CORES software prior to using CCAM facilities. You should contact your departmental administrator to enter you as an authorized user in the system and to ensure you have access to an FRS account. For more information see CCAM microscope user policies.

CCAM Microscope User Fees (July 1, 2023)
Unit Charge
UConn Health
External Non-Profit
External For-Profit
Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopes – 780 and 880
per hour
LightSheet  Microscope
per hour
Zeiss Elyra 7
per hour
Nikon Crest Spinning Disk Confocal (**Intro. Rate**)
per hour
Zeiss Axiovert 200M
per hour
Zeiss TIRF
per hour
Training Session – Confocals, LightSheet, Elyra 7,  includes initial 2-hour training, and two, 1-hour follow-up sessions.
Training Session – Axiovert 200M, Zeiss TIRF includes initial 1-hour training, and a 1-hour follow-up session.
Service Work
per hour
Incubation Warm Up
Non-Member Software Access
Analytical Instrumentation
Spex Spectrofluorimeter
per hour

Fee Schedule for Long-Term Imaging of Live Cell Preparations

CCAM offers a reduced fee for labs doing long-term, live cell imaging with prior approval from Susan Staurovsky. There is a minimum, 5 hour reservation time required as the first three hours are charged at the standard facility rates and subsequent time will be billed at the reduced rates of $6.44/hour UConn Health, $10.31/hour external non-profit, $12.88/hour for-profit. Imaging can begin at 2 p.m. on weekdays, to account for the first three hours being at the standard rates on weekdays with reduced rates from 5 p.m. – 8 a.m. Live cell imaging can begin at any time on the weekends; standard rates for the first three hours and reduced rates for the remaining hours.