
Stop Ignoring Men’s Mental Health

UConn Today sat down with Dr. Wizdom Powell, a prominent psychological scientist and director of the Health Disparities Institute at UConn Health, to find out more about her mission to close the huge gap in men and boys mental health awareness, resources, and services. As chair of the American Psychiatric Association’s Working Group on Health Disparities in Boys and Men, Powell will testify on Jan. 30 at the Congressional Briefing on Men’s Mental Health in Washington, D.C. Read the article here. 

Dr. Wizdom Powell on Boys and Men: Changing the Narrative Series

Check out this new podcast series by the McSILVER Institute for Poverty Policy and Research. Dr. Wizdom Powell, HDI’s Director, will be featured on the January 29th episode.

The Black Boys and Men: Changing the Narrative podcast series brings together thought leaders from various sectors to analyze stereotypes and dispel myths concerning Black boys and men, while providing facts and best practices for those working with these often marginalized populations. The series calls into question issues of systemic and institutional racism and oppression. It provides concrete steps to prevent and address many of the issues that disproportionately affect Black boys and men, including health disparities, incarceration, trauma, and violence.

The series will begin on January 15, 2018 and end on March 5, 2018. The podcast can be found here: http://mcsilver.nyu.edu/black-boys-and-men-changing-the-narrative

UNC National Health Equity Research Webcast – Moderated by Dr. Wizdom Powell

The 23rd National Health Equity Research Webcast, “The Courage to Lead: Scholar-Activism and Health Equity in Turbulent Times” will be broadcast on Friday, September 29, 2017. Panelists include Dr. Camara Phyllis Jones, Dr. Andrew Curley, and Mr. Paul Cuadros. Dr. Wizdom Powell of HDI will be moderating the discussion. Register for the webcast.

NEW HIL Survey Report Brief – Volume 1

A brief summarizing results of a 2016 study of health insurance literacy in Connecticut is now available.

This research, led by Dr. Victor Villagra, Associate Director of the UConn Health Disparities Institute, is the first study to measure health insurance literacy among Connecticut adults enrolled in private health insurance plans under the Affordable Care Act.

Health insurance literacy (HIL) is a critical skill that consumers need to select, maintain and use their plan benefits to achieve better health. The implications of this report are of the utmost importance to the success of the state’s health reform agenda.

The Health Disparities Institute seeks to improve health insurance literacy as part of our overall aim to enhance the value of insurance for all Connecticut residents, especially the underserved. This report is the first in a series.


Equal Coverage to Care Coalition Retreat

ecc retreat denise smithOn Monday, December 5, HDI hosted the first Equal Coverage to Care Coalition retreat in downtown Hartford. This daylong meeting brought together community based organizations, state agencies, foundations, and insurers to discuss the changing health reform landscape and the three focus areas for statewide coalition work:

  1. Health Insurance Literacy
  2. Health System Navigation
  3. Health Insurance Simplification

Discusecc retreat victor villagrasions raised important questions around the potential impact of a changing administration to Connecticut’s health reform efforts and how stakeholders will stay informed. Other needs identified included what data is still necessary to form an accurate picture of where assistance is most needed in local communities. The group ended the day with a list of potential priority areas to discuss further and additional agenda items for their next meeting such as time commitments, funding potential, and coalition goals.