Month: March 2022

Advancing Health Equity in Boys and Men of Color Fund

The Health Disparities Institute is taking part in #UConnGives


Affiliates, alliances, friends, you know that the UConn HDI is a recognized force multiplier for the advancement of health equity among boys and men of color (BMOC). BMOC are essential to sustaining innovation and economic vitality in Connecticut and around our nation. Yet, we often lose them to poor health conditions long before they reach their fullest potential. As a result, we established CT’s first Multisector Alliance for Health Equity among BMOC, which culminated in the production of the 2018 statewide report card on health equity in boys and men of color – a document that is being leveraged by leaders to transform care delivery processes. We take a collective impact approach to design youth-centered, community-led initiatives, and arts-based strategies. Our goal is to help BMOC radically heal, grow, and thrive.

Our HDI team is excited to participate in UConn Gives, the fourth annual giving day for UConn! UConn Gives will be taking place on March 30-31, 2022. For 36 hours, all of UConn Nation will be coming together to support the university we love. 

During those 36 hours, we will be raising funds to enhance a range of research, programs, and policy initiatives designed to promote positive mental and physical health outcomes among BMOC and enable BMOC to live their healthiest lives.

Here are 3 ways you can support our cause:

  1. Spread the word about our cause to your friends and professional networks to give to the BMOC Fund.
  2. Follow us @UConnHDI on Twitter, IG, & Facebook and/or via our email newsletters. Re-share our posts and tag us @UConnHDI and/or forward our emails to your networks. Get involved in the conversation:  How does your organization help BMOC heal, grow, and thrive in CT? Let us know using the hashtags #BMOCAlliance, #BMOCFund, and #UConnGives. 
  3. Give to the Advancing Health Equity in Boys and Men of Color (BMOC) Fund.

Can we count on you?


UConn HDI Team

P.S. Follow along with the hashtags #BMOCAlliance, #BMOCFund, and #UConnGives on your social media.