UConn Immigrant Health

UConn Immigrant Health is a three-part entity focused on the clinical care of, education about, and advocacy for refugees and immigrants. It is composed of three components.

Refuge Medical Clinic

The first component, our Refugee Medical Clinic, provides medical care for the immigrant and refugee population and advocates for their unique needs. The clinic offers the following medical services to immigrants:

  • Refugee health assessments
  • i693 exams
  • Ongoing primary care

UConn Collaboration for Immigration Rights

Another component of the UConn Immigrant Health program is the student-run UConn Immigration Rights Initiative (UIRI). It is a collaboration between UConn Health, UConn Law School, UConn School of Medicine, and Physicians for Human Rights (PHR). Comprised of a diverse and growing team of volunteer clinicians, educators, and professional students, UIRI advocates for survivors of human rights violations and provides pro-bono forensic examinations by PHR-trained physicians under the guidance of UConn School of Medicine faculty and a board of advisors.

Learn more about UIRI.

Educating the Next Generation of Doctors

The third component of the program is the medical education of future doctors. Medical students and residents at the UConn School of Medicine undergo a robust course of study in the unique health needs of immigrants and refugees. The program educates and trains the future healthcare workforce at UConn School of Medicine about the medical care needs of immigrants and refugees.

Learn more.

In the News


For medical appointments, contact:
Susan Levine, M.D., MPH, FACP, CTropMed
Medical Director, UConn Immigrant Health
Certified Civil Surgeon
Phone: 860-679-8499
Email: slevine@uchc.edu

For a forensic evaluation or UConn Immigration Rights Initiative (UIRI) inquiries, contact:
Bianca-Maria Marin
Graduate Assistant, UConn Immigration Rights Initiative
Email: marin@uchc.edu

Location for appointments only:
Outpatient Pavilion, 2nd Floor East
135 Dowling Way
Farmington, CT 06030
Phone: 860-679-8499