The Faculty Forum will take place on June 28, 2022 at noon. Voting on the amendments will start on July 5 and conclude on July 12.
The Faculty Forum is a meeting held to discuss current policy formulation and proposed amendments to the School of Medicine bylaws.
Councils or individual faculty may submit a request to convene a Faculty Forum, and the Oversight Committee must consider the request.
The Oversight Committee will schedule Faculty Forums and set the agenda. Relevant materials will be published 21 days prior to the meeting.
The Chair of the Oversight Committee will preside and will publish minutes of the meeting. Members of the governance councils, including the Clinical, Dean’s, Education, Public Issues and Research Councils and the Oversight Committee, are expected to attend. Following the Faculty Forum, an electronic vote will take place among School of Medicine faculty who are paid by the School of Medicine to approve or disapprove the amendments. Passage requires a two thirds majority of those voting. Complete details can be found on page 17 of the Bylaws of the University of Connecticut School of Medicine.
There is one amendment on the agenda for the Tuesday, June 28, 2022 forum. There will be an online forum site for the amendment that will be available for additional discussion.