The Urban Service Track/AHEC Scholars Interest Groups (IG’s) are student-centered and student-led interprofessional learning communities that allow scholars to learn with and from each other while exploring patient population issues and topics. Each IG is supported by second-year co-leaders, a senior student coach, and an alumni partner (licensed professional). The eight IGs focus on the following populations: Adolescents, Behavioral Health, Geriatrics, Healthcare Advocacy and Policy, Pediatrics, Public Health, and Women’s Health.
Throughout the academic year, students discuss their respective populations utilizing content experts/speakers, scholarship, clinical cases, community service, and advocacy & legislation. In addition, each IG is encouraged to seek service and grant opportunities to serve this community. Each learning community is tasked with developing a poster with an oral presentation, and a demonstration activity to be presented at the culminating IG Summit.
4th Annual UST/AS Interest Group Summit, April 20, 2024, 10am-1pm.
To view materials from previous Interest Group Summits, please visit:
April 22, 2023, click here: A Symposium to Address Healthcare Providers' Responsibility in Public Health.
April 23, 2022: UST/AHEC Scholars Interprofessional Summit: a symposium to assess and address health equity in communities of color
Inaugural Interest Group Summit, April 10, 2021: UST/AHEC Scholars Interprofessional Summit: a forum for advocacy & understanding of patient populations