UConn Health trains students in medicine, dentistry, public health and basic sciences. More advanced trainees include postdoctoral research fellows; dental fellows and residents; and interns, residents and fellows in multiple medical and surgical fields. Our clinic serves people in all these groups. However, paperwork and payment can be confusing. For instance, all the medical and surgical residents are actually employees of the Capital Area Health Consortium rather than of UConn Health. Certain fellowships, including in dentistry, are done as employees of UConn Health. Students are not employees of any entity.
Our clinic sees people in any of these categories when they suffer an injury during their usual work duties. We take special responsibility for evaluation, treatment and tracking of those who are exposed to bodily fluids from needle-stick or splash injuries.
In addition to managing injuries and exposures, we conduct examinations to ensure the safety of trainees and of those they come in contact with. This involves a review of immune status to common viral illness, with provision of vaccines as needed; screening for latent tuberculosis; and a review of the person’s general health, ability to do the job and need for any special accommodations. For new residents, these evaluations are done in May and June of the year they start work; for new students, shortly after beginning the first year.
As we do for the UConn Health community in general, we also offer acute visits for minor injuries and illnesses that are not work-related.
For trainees planning clinical experiences outside UConn Health, we can provide documentation and advice about immunization status.
Emotional Health
Training can be hard on one’s emotions. The work is difficult; the hours are long and sometimes irregular. Worse, for most people it happens during a stage of life that features transition to adulthood, financial stresses and new or changing family relationships. Maintaining a reasonable balance between work and everything else – sleep, exercise, nutrition, friendships, outside interests – can be difficult.
All trainees should consider taking advantage of UConn Health's workplace wellness offerings.
For those who feel the stressors are overwhelming, our division offers an Employee Assistance Program, providing free and confidential evaluations, brief counseling and referrals. This is open to all employees of UConn Health and the Consortium. Students in the medical, dental or graduate school can receive a similar service through the Student Beahvioral Health Service.