Starting with the pre-placement exam at UConn Health that many employees receive before starting work, our clinical services touch the lives of employees at many levels. We promote annual flu shots and tuberculosis exposure screening and offer periodic surveillance exams to employees whose jobs expose them to special hazards. We are the primary source of care for workplace-related illnesses and injuries, including exposure to bodily fluids. Employees wanting counseling for psychological problems and workplace stress can access our Employee Assistance Program. Our division also performs fitness for duty evaluations when performance issues raise concerns that a medical condition may be risking the health and safety of the individual and of others in the workplace. These evaluations often result in referrals for treatment focused on making the worker whole again. Finally, for workers with an injury or illness that is not related to work, we offer convenient treatment right on campus.
In addition to the services listed above, which are offered to one person at a time, our department helps groups of employees and trainees through educational programs.
Can Your Work Site Be Safer?
For workers who have not necessarily had an injury but are concerned about the safety of their workplaces, UConn Health's Office of Research Safety (for employees) and the Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (for others who work on the campus, such as students, residents, volunteers and employees of contractors) will evaluate your workplace and make recommendations for improvement.