Research Council

Researcher in a lab

Duties: The Research Council is charged to maintain a technically advanced and supportive infrastructure and develop timely new ventures in biomedical science. The council makes recommendations regarding priorities for the research mission and the implementation of research strategic plans. It formulates policies related to the conduct of research including, but not limited to allocation of research space, incentive plans if the Executive Vice President so delegates, and adherence to compliance requirements imposed by regulatory agencies. The council cooperates with other bodies involved in research planning and policies, and has dominant position either directly, through dual membership, or indirectly on committees concerned with research-related UConn Health issues. The council coordinates biomedical research throughout the University, particularly with the School of Dental Medicine and Graduate School, and with affiliated hospitals, by analysis, review, and promotion of real and potential cooperative ventures. The council makes recommendations on strategies to identify and procure resources that are essential for the recruitment and retention of faculty members.

Authority: The Research Council is advisory to the Dean’s Council on matters of research governance.

All terms are three years unless elected to fill a vacated seat.

Ernesto Canalis, '25
Francescco Celi, '27
Breno Diniz, '25
Brenton Graveley, '26
Jun Lu, '27
Pedro Mendes (Chair), '27
Carla Rash, '26
Pramod Srivastava, '26
Anthony Vella, ex officio
Michael Centola, ex officio
Kimberly Dodge-Kafka, ex officio
Victor Hesselbrock, ex officio