Senior Appointments and Promotions Committee Reconsideration Procedures

Reconsideration of Negative Actions Taken by the SAPC

1. Request by the Department Chair for Reconsideration

The department chair may request through the Dean reconsideration of the SAPC’s action when new information concerning academic credentials is provided or when important non-academic issues are raised. This request must be submitted to the Dean no later than one month after the department chair is notified of the SAPC’s action.

a. New academic information will be submitted to the SAPC and incorporated into the overall review of the nominee’s academic accomplishments. The SAPC will report to the Dean its decision in light of the new academic information.

b. Appointment, promotion, and/or tenure will be considered by the Dean’s Council only if there are overriding, non-academic institutional issues for the appeal that were outside the purview of the SAPC. Only in rare circumstances should non-academic issues outweigh the lack of academic accomplishments.

(1) When a department chair chooses to appeal based on non-academic considerations, the supporting information will be distributed to the Dean’s Council prior to its formal consideration.

(2) At the Dean’s Council meeting, the department chair or designate will present the non-academic issues. After answering questions, the department chair will be excused from discussion and voting by the Dean’s Council.

(3) The Chair(s) of the SAPC or designate will present the evidence for the negative action by the SAPC.

(4) Voting will be by secret written ballot, and only Dean’s Council members present shall vote. A quorum must be present for a vote.

(5) The Dean will forward a recommendation for promotion or tenure to the Provost, who will in turn make a final recommendation to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will vote on the Provost’s recommendation.

2. Requests for Reconsideration by a Faculty Member in the Event of Failure to Nominate or of Negative Action by the SAPC

A request to the Dean by a faculty member is allowed either when the department chair has failed to nominate the faculty member for promotion and/or tenure, or when the department chair fails to request reconsideration of a negative action by the

a. Failure to Nominate by Department Chair

The department chair must notify the faculty member and the Dean’s Office in writing that he or she does not intend to nominate the faculty member by September 1 of the penultimate year. If notification by the department chair is not made, then the faculty member will be informed in writing by the Dean’s Office.

These letters of notification must indicate that an appeal by the faculty member to the Dean can be made, but must be submitted to the Dean within one month.

The Dean may deny the request or appoint ad hoc a faculty committee to consider its merits.

The ad hoc committee will consist of three faculty members who have the same qualifications as members of the SAPC. The ad hoc committee will collect appropriate information and recommend to the Dean either that the request be denied or that sufficient evidence exists for consideration by the SAPC. The ad hoc committee should report to the Dean within one month.

Review by the SAPC will follow customary procedures, and its recommendation reported to the Dean.

The timing of notification of non-renewal of tenure track appointments will be governed by the University of Connecticut Laws and Bylaws.

b. Failure by the Department Chair to Request Reconsideration of Negative Action of SAPC

Within one month of the SAPC’s negative action, the department chair must notify the faculty member and the Dean’s Office in writing of the department chair’s decision not to request reconsideration. If notice by the department chair is not made within a month, the Dean’s Office will notify the faculty member in writing. These letters of notification must indicate that an appeal by the faculty member to the Dean can be made, but must be submitted to the Dean within one month. The Dean may deny the request or appoint ad hoc a faculty committee to evaluate the request.

The ad hoc committee can recommend to the Dean that (1) the request for reconsideration be denied; (2) sufficient new academic information is available to warrant reconsideration by the SAPC; upon consideration of new information and review of academic credentials, the SAPC may sustain or reverse its earlier action; or (3) non-academic issues are of sufficient importance for consideration by the Dean’s Council. The ad hoc committee should report to the Dean within one month.

If important non-academic issues are raised by the ad hoc committee and the Dean, consideration of appointment, promotion, or tenure of the faculty member will be made by the Dean’s Council. The supporting information will be distributed to the Dean’s Council prior to its formal consideration. Only in rare circumstances should non-academic issues outweigh the lack of academic accomplishments.

(1) At the Dean’s Council meeting, the chair of the ad hoc committee or the Dean will present the non-academic issues to be considered. After answering questions, the chair of the ad hoc committee will be excused from discussion and voting by the Dean’s Council.

(2) The earlier negative recommendation by the SAPC will be reported to the Dean’s Council by the Chair(s) of the SAPC.

(3) The involved department chair will not be present during discussion or voting by the Dean’s Council, but will have the opportunity to present a statement.

(4) Voting will be by secret written ballot, and only Dean’s Council members present shall vote. A quorum must be present for a vote.

(5) The Dean will forward a recommendation for promotion or tenure to the Provost, who will in turn make a final recommendation to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will vote on the Provost’s recommendation.

C. Appeal by a Faculty Member

The faculty member has the right of appeal using the grievance process as described in the University Laws and Bylaws.