Regularly Scheduled Series (RSS) Attendance & Evaluations

Earning CME Credits in My RSS Session

Remember participants are required (1) track their LIVE attendance to your session AND (2) to complete an electronic evaluation in order to obtain CME Credits! The formula is simple! My Tracked Attendance + My Completed Evaluation = My CME Credit Earned

Attendance Tracking for My RSS Session

Remember that one of the more important aspects of record-keeping for administering an RSS activity is maintaining your session attendance tracking sheets in your program folders for 6 years (along with all your other RSS activity documents, such as flyers, and evaluation data). Refer to: ACCME Attendance Records Retention

(A) Participant Data need for Attendance Tracking: First name, Last name, Degree (MD, DO, APRN, or OTHER), Number of credits, Address, City, State, Zip, Email, Initials to verify attendance

(B) RSS session who meet in-person: if your RSS session is meeting live in-person, each participant who attends in person must initial or sign your attendance sheet to verify that they actually attended the CME session. We encourage you to use our CME Attendance Sheet Template for these sessions.

(C) RSS sessions who meet virtual-live: if your RSS session is meeting in live virtual setting (such as WebEx or Zoom), you still need to track your live participant attendance for the session. Many online platforms are capable of generating a report of all the participants that attended the live session. Downloading and saving this report takes the place of the participant’s “initialing” that they attended. However, you still are required to ensure that you maintain all the other participant data needed for attendance tracking such as (first name, last name, email, degree) along with the report to verify their live attendance. This virtual platform “attendance” report should be kept with your regular participant group data you keep for your RSS activity.

(D) Reporting Your Attendance After Your Session: after each RSS session, you will only need to report who “Newly attended” your session. The CME office does not need your actual attendance sheets, this is something that you maintain in your own activity files. The CME office only needs to know who is new so that they can add the new participant to your “evaluation group” within system. If you need an updated copy of your RSS participant group in, please contact the CME office at

*Note: CME credits can only be awarded for LIVE attendance or LIVE viewing during the scheduled date and time of the presentation. If your RSS gives your participants access to archival recordings of your session to view, CME credit is not granted for anyone viewing post the live session.

CME Evaluation for My RSS Session

The second piece that is essential for your participant to earn their CME credit, they must complete the CME session evaluation. Currently we offer 2 options, one is using a paper evaluation, which if used, must be submitted for approval along with all your other session documents, or you may use our electronic system,*.  However, if your RSS is using paper evaluations, please refer to the CME Session Forms section to obtain paper evaluation templates.

*The CME Office can provide an on-line evaluation form for certain regularly scheduled conferences (e.g., grand rounds, journal clubs) of the University of Connecticut School of Medicine. Participants attending activities utilizing this service must complete the on-line evaluation form in order to obtain CME credit. Please contact the CME Office to ascertain if your activity is eligible for this service.

My RSS uses

If you RSS session uses System, an email from with instructions will be sent to participants. Please ensure that your participants complete the evaluation within one week of receiving the system email. If they do NOT receive an evaluation assignment from within 10 business days of this activity, please have them contact you (the RSS Administrator) directly, so that your department can ensure that their account is set up appropriately. (Your department, not the CME office, usually sets up your clinical faculty’s account and is managed within each department.) If your department is not using System, please then contact the CME office at to assist with this process.

TIP: If you have a participant that does not receive the system-generated email from for their CME assignment, they can always log directly into without the actual email. In addition, they can reset their own password if they have forgotten.

CME Evaluation System:


Printing CME Certificates (or Ledger) from

Only the participant is able to print their own CME certificate from the System. It is based on each person’s unique account. If you as the RSS Administrator is being asked to log into the System to print your faculty’s CME certificates, you will not be able to do so under your own personal account. Please give them the instructions below so that your faculty will be able to log in themselves to print their own CME certificates.

1. Go to and enter your (the participant) username and password.

2. Select “Reports” from the toolbar at the top of the page.

3. Under “Personal CME Reports”, select “CME Certificates”. (OR if you want to print the ledger, select “Ledger of CME Credits”.)

4. Select the “Event Name” and determine the “Date range”.

5. Hit “Submit”

6. You will view a running document of CME certificates, one for each CME activity within that program. Printing this document will result in one CME certificate per page.



Last Updated: July 1, 2024