Regularly Scheduled Series (RSS) FAQs

    Q. If my session uses the post-session content collection form, do I still need to send in the main 3 required documents in-advanced to have my session approved?

    Yes. The Regularly Scheduled Series (RSS) Administrator will send to the 10 business days in advance of the session date regardless if your event is using the PSNA form as a PRE or POST content collection form, the associated session materials that are still required in advanced of each session:

    • Required: CME Flyer (must use CME approved flyer template)
    • Required: PSNA Form for content collection of the speaker (unless you are using this form as your post-session content collection form then you will submitted 48 hours after session)
    • Required: Declaration Disclosures Form for your speaker(s)
    • As Applicable: Letter of Agreements for commercial support (if applicable to your session and if not already on file with the CME office)
    • As Applicable: Copy(ies) of the Content slides or materials from your speaker(s) (required if your speaker has identified a conflict on their declaration disclosure)

    If you still unsure how to handle our session approvals, please reach out to the CME office in-advance of your RSS schedule sessions so that we may better assist you.  Please contact us at, thank you.


    Q. Do you offer any post session approvals?

    No. There are NO post-session approvals All sessions approvals required advanced approvals.  All required documents need to be submitted 10 business days in advance of the planned session. The require documents do not change regardless if using a per-PSNA or post-PSNA, for content collection.  If you still unsure how to handle your session approvals, please reach out to the CME office in-advanced of your schedule sessions so that we may better assist you.  Please contact us at, thank you.


    Q. Does a CME Presentation that is taped qualify for CME Credit?

    No: If you have an approved “live” CME presentation that is what you need to present to your learners. You can have your presenter show slides, etc, during the presentation but the main educational event should be a live speaker.


    Q. If a speaker/presenter changes at the last minute due to an emergency can you still get CME Credit for the event?

    This decision will be made on a case-by-case basis. If a speaker has an emergency the program administrator should let the CME office know immediately. Once the situation has been reviewed by the CME office a decision will be made. It is imperative that the new speaker/presenter complete and sign a disclosure immediately and the program administrator send that to the CME office within 24 hours.


    Q. How does a Activity Administrator handle a Conflict of Interest for an annual program?

    Conflicts of Interest for an Annual approved Annual CME event are handled according to ACCME Standards. If an Annual approved CME event has speakers/presenters that have conflicts noted on disclosures the CME office will request that the power point presentations be sent into the CME office, no later than 1 full week prior to the CME Office. In addition, the Activity Director should have already reviewed and mitigated any noted conflicts prior to submission of the power point presentations. The CME office will need to review the presentations and keep them on file electronically for the appropriate time frame, along with the disclosures. Decisively, what is presented to the CME office as the final power point presentation is what should always be presented to the learners.


    Q. How does a Activity Administrator handle a Conflict of Interest for an RSS program?

    Conflicts of Interest for an Regularly Scheduled Series (RSS) approved event are handled according to ACCME Standards. If an RSS approved CME event has speakers/presenters that have conflicts noted on disclosures the CME office will request that the Activity Administrator review the disclosure carefully and be sure that the conflict identified on the disclosure is noted identical to the flyer for that RSS. It is the responsibility of the program administrator to provide the CME office with concise data and accurate forms.