Pregnancy Frequency Asked Questions
There are seven doctors in the UConn Health group and any of our doctors could deliver your baby. During your pregnancy, we suggest you take the opportunity to meet with all of us. See our team page for names and specialties.
On occasion, the high-risk obstetric doctors will cover deliveries. If any questions or concerns arise during your pregnancy, you might be asked to see a high-risk obstetrics doctor in the Maternal-Fetal Medicine (MFM) office. See our MFM doctors on our team page.
UConn Health
John Dempsey Hospital
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030
Main Phone: 860-679-2626
If you are instructed to go to the hospital during your pregnancy, you should go to UConn John Dempsey Hospital.
In general, patients are seen as follows:
- Every 4-6 weeks from initial visit until 32 weeks.
- Every 2 weeks from 32-36 weeks.
- Every week after 36 weeks until delivery.
One, two, or three ultrasounds are offered (depending on coverage/cost) as follows:
- Early first trimester to confirm due date.
- 11-13 weeks for first trimester screening test if you choose to have it.
- 18-20 weeks for anatomy scan (may find out gender if you choose and determine your baby’s position as we plan for delivery).
- If you have any complications during your pregnancy, you may have more ultrasounds as needed for further observation.
Many issues may come up during a pregnancy which may result in an office visit here or with your primary care doctor. If you have any questions or concerns related to your pregnancy, please call your provider at 860-679-2792.
If the problem is not due to pregnancy, you may be charged a co-pay where applicable. Check with your insurance carrier for problem visit co-pay costs.
It’s always best to check with your insurance carrier about coverage and costs. Most insurance companies pay a “global” rate for maternity care and delivery which means the services you receive for uncomplicated care will be covered under this rate. If you normally have a co-pay, you would not be charged for this during the global period.
However, certain services may not fall under the description of global payment. These might include ultrasounds, non-stress tests, care complications, or care for non-pregnancy related problems such as a cold or the flu. These could generate co-pays. Be sure to check with your carrier for details.
If you change insurance plans during care, please let us know immediately. Present your new card at check-in and we will notify your new carrier and obtain a new precertification for your delivery.
It is our hope that your pregnancy will progress normally. There may be a medical necessity for you to stop working during your pregnancy and be on bed rest. This could come up at any point in your pregnancy and would be discussed with you at an office visit. Should this occur, you would need to obtain paperwork from your employer for us to fill out and certify your disability. If you elect to stop working and do not meet the qualifications for medical disability, we will be unable to certify you for disability.
The March of Dimes explains that folic acid is a substance required by our bodies in small amounts for growth and general health. It helps your body make red blood cells that carry oxygen from your lungs to all parts of your body. Our bodies do not store very much folic acid so we need to have a regular fresh supply. Many foods contain folic acid, including spinach, sprouts, broccoli, green beans, peas, chickpeas, brown rice, kidney, liver and potatoes. Some people, for various reasons, many not receive enough from their diet alone so supplements are necessary as a lack of folic acid can lead to anemia. As you have a growing baby, it is very important that you are as health as possible through your pregnancy.
Also, if you take folic acid before and during early pregnancy, it can help prevent birth defects of the brain and spine called neural tube defects (called NTDs). Some studies show that it also may help prevent heart defects in a baby and birth defects in a baby’s mouth called cliff lip and palate.
The March of Dimes recommends that during pregnancy a mother should take a multivitamin that has 400 micrograms of folic acid in it every day. Please talk to your provider to find the right prenatal vitamin for you.