Month: February 2016

Laubenbacher Named Editor-in-Chief of Bulletin of Mathematical Biology

Reinhard LaubenbacherDr. Reinhard Laubenbacher of UConn Health and The Jackson Laboratory (JAX) for Genomic Medicine is one of the newly named editors-in-chief for the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, the official journal of the Society for Mathematical Biology.

The other editor-in-chief is Dr. Alan Hastings of the University of California, Davis.

The Bulletin of Mathematical Biology has long been a premier publication for the dissemination of research findings at the interface of mathematics and biology.

“The mathematical sciences are rapidly becoming a key enabling technology for the life sciences and medicine,” said Laubenbacher. “I am very excited to be in a position to help create the best possible publishing infrastructure to facilitate this. I am honored to continue the long tradition of the Bulletin as a premier outlet for research in quantitative biology.”

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