Postdoctoral Seminar Series 2018-2019


Center for Molecular Oncology Conference Room, EM029, 5 p.m.
Date Presenter Title
September 20 Postdoc Research Day
September 26 Postdoc Association Introductory Meeting
October 24 Sherli Koshy-Chenthittayil iDynoMiCS: next-generation individual-based modeling of biofilms
November 28 Sharoar Golam Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde roles of reticulon 3 in Alzheimer’s disease
January 30 Varad Vernekar      A biomaterials tool kit to understand injury and engineer translatable regeneration
February 27 Brandon Albright Going viral: Exploring the dark matter of the microbiome
March 27 Chuan Li MacSpectrum yields unprecedented resolution of full-spectrum macrophage activation states in diseases
April 24 Luis Sordo Vieira Perspectives as a Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Science Policy Fellow
May 29 Meagan Cauble Recent Advances and Probe Development for Super-Resolution Imaging with PAINT (Point Accumulation for Imaging in Nanoscale Topography
June 26
July 31


Directions to EM029 from Jax

Last Year